Lucre Cost Chart
The WARP Lucre Cost Chart

Lucre Cost Chart




31Retrieve an extra token from the Warp. (*)
21Move a token from one base to another. (*)
101Reflip Destiny Pile.
251Replace one of your powers.
501Add another Alien Power.
+1Purchase Dagger Cards.
14-5Hire Rogues.
11-6Buy tokens from main players. Tokens go to Warp.
21-6Buy tokens from main players. Tokens go to bases.
37Add 1 to your total in the challenge.
68Add 1 to your total in the challenge.
41-6Buy a card from the deck.
101-6Discard a card from your hand.
71-3Buy a random Flare from those not in use.
101-9Retain a Flare you have played.
121-9Purchase a Super Shot.

+ Dagger costs are as follows: Dagger Set 1 costs three lucre (one lucre EON). Dagger Set 2 costs seven lucre (two lucre EON). Dagger Set 3 costs 13 lucre (four lucre EON).

New CE expansions are in italics. Those with an (*) apply only to offensive main player.

See also: Dagger Cards, Lucre Rules, Rogues, and Super Shots