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You have the power to reverse. Once, before cards are revealed in each challenge, you may make any other player change a game action he has just taken, e.g. playing a particular card, pointing the cone at a specific target, selecting certain tokens, buying any cards, etc. The action you negate cannot be directly related to the player's exercise of his power. Once negated, the player must make a different decision affecting the same element of play and continue the play.

History: Null and Void are the twin gods of the Negators. Whenever another being attempts a positive action, Negators are driven to counteract it and deny its existence. Experiencing kinship with all that is not positive, the Negators feel that there is no way for any but their own race to control the Cosmos - and they will not be denied.

Wild: If you are a main player, once cards are revealed, you may cause one of the Attack Cards revealed in the challenge to have a negative instead of a positive value. Thus a 10 becomes a -10.

Super: You may negate twice per challenge, instead of once.

NEGATOR [O:MCE] Reverses Decisions Mayfair

You have the power to reverse. Once, before cards are revealed in any challenge, you may make any other player change a specific game action he has just taken. These decisions are limited to the following: 1. Playing a voluntary card, such as an Edict, Flare, Kicker, or Reinforcement. 2. Selection of a Challenge Card to play. 3. Pointing the hyperspace cone at a particular planet or moon. 4. Moving tokens off a particular base. 5. Entering an alliance. 6. Using Lucre in a certain way. 7. Drawing a new Destiny card after drawing his own color. 8. Placing a certain number of tokens in the cone. If you block the use of a card, moon, or Lucre, the designated player must set aside what he was about to use and refrain from using it for the duration of the challenge. If you change a decision, such as the cone, token movement, or alliance, the player must make a new decision that does not repeat the original decision: that is, a player may be prevented from purchasing cards with Lucre, but may use his remaining Lucre to release tokens from the warp. You may not negate an action that is the player's only legal choice or an action directly related to his power.

History: Null and Void are the twin gods of the Negators. Whenever another being attempts a positive action, Negators are driven to counteract it and deny its existence. Experiencing kinship with all that is not positive, the Negators feel that there is no way for any but their own kind to control the Cosmos - and they will not be denied.

Wild1: After Challenge Cards are revealed when you are a main player, you may cause one of the Attack Cards to have a negative value, i.e., a 10 becomes a -10, a -5 becomes a 5.

Super1: You may use your power twice in a challenge.

Pro: You may negate a player not doing something you know he could have. The player must then do it. This counts as your one negation per challenge.

Con: Negator cannot negate your actions if you are not a main player.

Displayed 2 powers.